
发布时间:2024-05-16 浏览次数:10


Photo(electro)catalysis as a technological solution for sustainable environment

报告时间:2024.05.21   10:30-11:30


主讲人:Wonyong CHOI教授,美国工程院院士、韩国科学院院士、韩国工程院院士,韩国能源工业大学环境和气候技术研究院主任


The global environment is challenged by excessive consumption of fossil fuels and resources, which perturbs the nature’s sustainable cycles of various chemical elements such as C, N, O, and H. As solar energy is the major driving force of the global cycles of these key elements, photo(electro)catalysis is an ideal engineering method to mimic and restore the nature’s element cycles. The photochemical conversion of H2O, CO2, N2, and O2 has been intensively investigated employing various methods among which photo(electro)catalysis using semiconductor materials has been established as the most popular method. This talk will introduce several examples of photocatalytic and photoelectrochemical (PEC) conversions of C, N, and O compounds and discuss their environmental implications. The photocatalytic and photoelectrocatalytic processes have been applied to denitrification, de-NOx, and nitrogen fixation reactions but the successful performance is limited. The direct conversion of nitrogenous pollutants to dinitrogen and dinitrogen to ammonia without using chemical reductants is an ideal solution but difficult to be realized. Here we introduce various engineered photo(electro)catalytic systems that selectively interconvert among NO3, NO2,NO, NH4+, and N2. As for O conversion, some examples of photocatalytic and photoelectrochemical systems for sustainable production of H2O2 through O2 reduction will be introduced. A PEC system enabled continuous H2O2 production over 100 h even under a bias‐free condition. As for CO2 conversion,a unique example that controls the selectivity of the multi-electron transfer mechanisms of CO2 transformation using heteronuclear dual-atom-site catalyst to generate an uncommon product (HCHO) will be discussed.

Wonyong Choi received B.S. from Seoul National University in 1988 and Ph.D. from CALTECH in 1996.Then, he worked at NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory as a postdoctoral scholar. Hejoined the faculty of POSTECHin 1998. In 2022, he moved to Korea Institute of Energy Technology (KENTECH) to establish Center for Environmental and Climate Technology as an inaugural director. His research interests are mainly focused on semiconductor photo(electro)catalysis and photochemistry for solar energy conversion and environmental applications. He was elected as Fellow of Korean Academy of Science and Technology (KAST, 2014) and National Academy of Engineering of Korea (NAEK, 2023), and International member of U.S. NAE in 2024. He received Young Scientist Award (KAST) in 2005,KAST Science and Technology Award in 2015, and Korea Engineering Award in 2018. He has been selected as Highly Cited Researcher by Clarivate Analytics in 2019-2023. He is currently serving as an editor-in-chief of ACS ES&T Engineeringand on the editorial advisory board of Nature Sustainability, and Energy & Enviornmental Science.

崔元镕 (Wonyong Choi) 教授,于1988年从首尔国立大学获得学士学位,1996年从加州理工学院获得博士学位。随后,他在美国国家航空航天局喷气推进实验室担任博士后研究员。他于1998年加入浦项工科大学。2022年,他转至韩国能源技术研究院(KENTECH)担任创院院长。他的研究兴趣主要集中在半导体光(电)催化和光化学,用于太阳能转化和环境应用。他于2014年当选为韩国科学技术院(KAST)院士,2023年当选为韩国国家工程院(NAEK)院士,并于2024年当选为美国国家工程院的外籍院士。他于2005年获得了KAST青年科学家奖,2015年获得了KAST科学技术奖,2018年获得了韩国工程奖。他曾于2019年至2023年连续五年被Clarivate Analytics评为高被引科研人员。他目前担任ACS ES&T Engineering的主编,并担任Nature SustainabilityEnergy & Environmental Science的编辑咨询委员会成员。